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Precise Targeting is 40%

You work hard to create an email campaign. Did you know that 40% of a campaign’s success depends on how well you target the recipients?

Precise targeting means your campaign dollars aren’t wasted sending offers to people who aren’t interested and won’t respond. Small and Medium Sized Marketers will benefit from our Precise Targeting Services by getting more responses with less mail and adding data to your existing house files.
“Big Data” has positively impacted the world of Email & Street Addresses. There are over 30,000 precisely targeted B2B lists currently available with any selects you may need, including:

  • Contact Name
  • Contact Title
  • Industry
  • Contact Email Address
  • Street Address
  • Phone Number
  • Location
  • Number of Employees
  • Gross Sales
  • And many more…

For B2C email campaigns our Residential Home Database reaches 95% of all US households. We can target your campaign by geographical aArea or down to individual zip codes. Demographic Selects such as income, education, home ownership and many more are available, as are Lifestyle Selects such as “active in sports” or “buys organic foods”. Please contact us for a complete listing of data selects that we offer. Many of these records may be obtained with email address and phone number added.

If your Organic or House File database contains only mailing addresses but you would like to connect with your clients and prospects online or by phone, we can update your existing contact files. This service typically matches up to 45% of your House File and often matches significantly more.

For more information please contact:

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